Is Chennai safe for women students?

Absolutely, when considering the safety of women in Chennai, it is important to note that the city takes immense pride in its significant female workforce. Chennai is bustling with activity throughout the day with women of all ages being a part of it. For a metropolitan city, Chennai has one of the lowest crime rates and is known to be highly safe for women. The rate of crime has been reported as 13.4 out of 100,000 population, according to the data released by the National Crime Records Bureau in 2020. The patrol network is efficient, especially at night along with auto and cab drivers who are available at all major locations.

Safety in IIT Madras

IIT Madras, situated amidst key areas like Adyar, Velachery, and Taramani, benefits from this safe environment. The vendors and the staff are polite, and they go the extra mile to ensure the comfort and safety of female students. Males, including parents, are not allowed to enter the girls’ hostel, and workers, to fix issues inside the hostels if any, are accompanied by the hostel manager or other officials for safety.

Police, Guards and Security

The police patrol the campus 24/7, supported by guards and security personnel, who are positioned at every major part of the campus. No place is completely isolated, and students do not feel a sense of fear as they will always see a guard when they pass. The workers inside the campus communicate well and are courteous. The Police stationed at the gates aid students who come back to the campus late at night and ensure a safe return to their hostels.

Campus Safety Bodies

IIT Madras has a robust Women’s forum dedicated to addressing challenges faced by female students, including academic, social, physical, and mental health-related issues. Life Skills courses provided to first-years include a mandatory POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) program to make IIT Madras a safe place with equal opportunity for all to agree or disagree, irrespective of gender. There is also a Committee for preventing and redressing sexual harassment called C-CASH (Complaint Committee Against Sexual Harassment) - handling complaints related to any behavior that is unwelcome. Upon registering a complaint, a response is made within 7 days, followed by a thorough inquiry. Comprehensive details about the committee, policies, and the subsequent course of action can be found here.

Here are the links to access the bodies:

On the whole, be it a late-night movie beyond the campus gates or a nighttime walk within the campus, the safety of all students, particularly women, is uncompromising.