What is the Young Research Fellowship (YRF)?

The Young Research Fellowship (YRF) program is a two-semester program to encourage highly motivated undergraduate students to experience ongoing research at IIT Madras. All B.Tech and Dual Degree students in their fifth semester can apply to professor-led research projects. Awardees are provided with a monthly stipend and the program covers research-related expenses during the fellowship year. It also provides funding for travel to high-quality international conferences relevant to the research area.

The program offers students the opportunity to work with seasoned researchers and develop their research skills. Furthermore, their mentors conduct research readiness sessions to enhance students’ research skills and encourage high-end publications and international conference presentations. YRF also has a Career and Life Coaching (CLIC) initiative, sponsored by the Alumni class of 1979, which aims to create a positive impact in students’ lives under a mentor coach’s guidance.