What are some interesting electives at IITM?

Electives are courses or subjects students can study based on their interests or career goals. Unlike mandatory or core courses, which are required for graduation or to fulfil specific academic requirements, electives allow students the flexibility to explore different areas of study outside of their major or core curriculum. IITM offers a number of electives to choose from.

Some interesting electives offered at IITM are:

  • Let’s Play 2 Learn - This course, true to its title, aims to help students develop prototypes of simple tabletop and activity games that could be used as aids for facilitation for teaching subjects. Games can be a powerful tool for learning and this course helps students understand game-based learning, gamification mechanics, identify learning objectives to gamify, and create game prototypes
  • Korean language - Quite like k-dramas and k-pop have won over people around the world, the Korean language has also taken over Insti people. The course introduces students to the Korean language and gives them a peek into Korean culture. By the end of this course, students will be able to understand, speak, read and write Korean at the beginner level.
  • Happiness Habits and Success - If you were wondering if a course would ever change you as a person, this one will. This course utilizes evidence-based research findings, theoretical concepts and applied experiences related to emotional well-being and physical and mental health to trigger a journey of personal transformation in students towards positive, purposeful and perspective-backed individuals.
  • Introduction to Carnatic Music - IITM not only has a solid culture of classical music, but also a course on carnatic music. This course will allow students to dive deeper into the history and fundamentals of carnatic music and find a community of carnatic music lovers.
  • Introduction to Biomimicry - This is a course for people who love solving problems with out-of-the-box solutions. Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and translating nature’s designs, strategies, and principles to solve human challenges. The course is designed to encourage students to explore the principles of nature and apply them to address human challenges. Students from the current batch are solving many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals using biomimicry.