What is the Advanced Materials and Nanotech IDDD offered at IIT Madras?

What is the IDDD Advanced Materials and Nanotech program offered at IIT Madras?

Understanding the elementary interactions between the particles at a nano-scale is the central area of interest in the IDDD under Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. Designed in collaboration with the likes of Departments of Applied Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, the course is coordinated by the Department of Physics at IIT Madras.

The IDDD program in Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology will make the students understand the fundamental science behind advanced materials and will equip them with practical tools and techniques of fabrication, encompassing both materials and devices.

Who is Eligible to apply?

A B.Tech student or a Dual Degree student of IIT Madras in any discipline (except biosciences) is eligible to upgrade/opt for this program provided the student has a CGPA of 8.0 or above up to 5th semester. Total number of seats will be fixed at 25.

Curriculum and Courses

The curriculum has been designed with an interdisciplinary intersection of science and engineering in mind. While material synthesis requires knowledge of chemistry, physical properties are under the purview of physics, mechanics, and material sciences. Computational material science is a big focus of the course with the application of advanced materials being extended to use in diverse fields like energy generation, storage, microelectronics, water purification, s ustainable plastics, and more. The curriculum offers a range of courses, both core and elective. Students can select four electives from a total of 38 options spanning a plethora of disciplines. Dual degree programs begin from the 7th semester and include core courses on solid state science and tech, nanomaterials, and nanotechnology as well as extensive laboratory courses (36 credits) for hands-on experience with nanomaterials.

Some of the courses offered in this program are:

  • Science and Technology of Solid State
  • Introduction to Nanoscience
  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnology
  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology Lab

A total of 157 credits need to be completed, 85 of which are through projects in semesters 8, 9, and 10. The curriculum aims to support internships, whether short or long-term, with private and public companies that have robust research and development divisions. These internships have the potential to evolve into final-year projects within the Dual Degree program.

Future Prospects

The program equips students with research-oriented laboratory skills that in turn land them successful careers in the top national and international research institutions. Nanomaterials show a lot of potential in the advancement of technologies ranging from communication and information, health and medicine, future energy, environment, and climate change. Nanomaterials will lead to a radically new approach to manufacturing materials and devices. Faster computers, advanced pharmaceuticals, biocompatible materials, nerve and tissue repair, crackproof surface coatings, better skin care and protection, more efficient catalysts, better and smaller sensors, and even more efficient telecommunications, are some areas where nanomaterials will have a major impact. On the whole, studying Advanced Materials and Nanotech has interesting career opportunities in terms of R&D, and is of immense scope.

To get more information on the program, visit here.