What is an IDDD?

What is an IDDD?

The Interdisciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) program at IIT Madras is a unique academic program that allows students to pursue a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree simultaneously in different disciplines. The program is designed to promote interdisciplinary learning and research, enabling students to gain expertise in multiple fields.

The program typically extends for five years and follows a structured curriculum that includes core courses from both disciplines as well as elective courses. Students are required to complete a certain number of credits in each discipline to fulfill the degree requirements.

At the end of the 5th semester, a student can convert their 4-yr BTech degree into a 5-yr Dual degree by opting for an IDDD - Inter-Disciplinary Dual Degree, provided their CGPA is above 8.0. The student will get a BTech in the original branch and an MTech in the IDDD branch.

How is IDDD different from DD?

In the Dual Degree program, students typically pursue degrees within the same discipline or closely related disciplines. For example, a student might pursue a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. The focus is on gaining in-depth knowledge and specialization in a specific field.

In contrast, the IDDD program allows students to combine undergraduate studies in one discipline with postgraduate studies in a different discipline. This enables them to explore diverse academic interests and gain expertise in multiple fields. For example, a student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering can pursue a Master’s degree in Data Science.

IDDD options

The different IDDD programs currently offered at IIT Madras are:

Benefits of IDDD

The Interdisciplinary Dual Degree (IDDD) program offers several benefits to students who choose to pursue it:

  • The IDDD program allows students to gain expertise in multiple disciplines. By studying different fields simultaneously, students develop a broader knowledge base, enabling them to make connections between diverse subjects. This interdisciplinary perspective can foster creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.
  • Graduates of the IDDD program often possess a unique skill set that combines knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines. This can make them attractive to employers who value individuals with diverse backgrounds and the ability to work across different domains. The program opens up a wider range of career opportunities that may span various industries or even intersecting areas of specialization.
  • The IDDD program nurtures an environment for interdisciplinary research and innovation. Students are encouraged to explore the intersections between different fields, identifying new approaches and solutions to complex problems; this interdisciplinary mindset can lead to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in various domains.