What is the IIT-M Heritage Centre?

The Heritage Centres are an amazing feature of IITs and the IIT-M Heritage is nothing short of a treat to the eyes. They are an eclectic testimony to the journey of the Institute down the years since its inception. The wonderful memorabilia displayed in the IIT-M Heritage Centre give a glimpse to the essence of academic excellence, student life, national contributions and, most importantly, the rich history associated with each of these. The Heritage Centre is a pleasant visitor space, a place for nostalgic memories, a place that bridges the past, present and future. It is the place where many visitors begin their campus tours.

The Centre is rife with the awards won by the institute in various fields, the inter-collegiate competition mementos and other memories and achievements articulated through photographs, artifacts, videos and publications. There are video tours available for the campus. The website also offers a 360 degree view of the Heritage Centre.

It has busts and paintings of dignitaries like the first Director of IIT Madras, Prof. B Sengupto, bust of Dr. A. L. Mudaliar, first Chairman (1959–1969) of the Board of Governors of IIT Madras, and even busts of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Kamaraj and Dr. Jawaharlal Nehru. Displayed along with books and magazines at the library section of the Heritage Centre is a metal casting of IIT Madras’s emblem. There are many more equally exciting artifacts that speak the stories of IIT Madras.

One may schedule a visit to the Heritage Centre through the website. The Institute Branding Cell has, in collaboration with the Alumni Association, initiated the IITM Gift Shop at the Heritage Centre where one may purchase a versatile range of merchandise, representing the true spirit of IIT Madras.