BS Biological Sciences - Eligibility for IDDD

If I choose 4 year BS in Biological Sciences, am I eligible to do IDDD or take minor courses in another department, say Computer Science ?


We checked, and the answer is yes.

But, you will have to meet the other criteria:

  • CGPA>8
  • Some IDDDs may have pre-requisite courses, and that might make things hard. (for e.g., we have heard that Robotics IDDD is not possible)

(1) If I want to do IDDD in robotics from Biological sciences, Can I take the prerequisite courses which are required for robotics??
(2) After biological science am I eligible for IDDD in Data science/CS/or other related fields.

Hey, yes students from BS are eligible to take IDDD in various fields, there aren’t any restrictions except the CGPA. Most IDDDs are >8.0 (techMBA is 7.5). You can take up IDDD in fields like Data Science, Quant Finance, Computational Engineering, Complex Systems, etc.

Refer to the above link for more details. You can take up IDDD in robotics too if you can convince the instructor. A few students have done it in the past.

Yes you can do a minor in any department given that you have done 36 credits (~4 courses) from a particular set of courses.

Refer the doc above to know the list of minors.