What are the different programs in CSE at IITM?

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Madras presents an all-encompassing plethora of academic programs, including undergraduate (B.Tech), postgraduate (M.Tech, MS, and Ph.D.), and interdisciplinary programs, providing students with a holistic education and research opportunities in various specialized domains of computer science.

Following are the academic programs offered by the CSE Department:

  • B.Tech - 4 years
  • M.Tech - 2 Years
  • Dual Degree Programmes - 5 years
  • M.S
  • Ph.D

There are comprehensive core courses and a vast range of electives in B.Tech and M.Tech programs.

Any student with a CGPA of 8 or above can apply for Interdisciplinary Dual Degree Programs at the beginning of the fifth semester. Some IDDD programs include:

  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
  • Complex Systems and Dynamics
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Computational Engineering
  • Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
  • Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Data Science
  • Electric Vehicles
  • Energy Systems
  • Robotics
  • Quantum Science and Technology
  • Quantitative Finance
  • Public Policy
  • Tech MBA (a CGPA of 7.5 or above is considered for this)

While students from BTech and Dual Degree programs can apply for IDDD, it is to be noted that their BTech degree remains their parent discipline, and their MTech will be in an interdisciplinary area.

The Interdisciplinary Dual Degree in Data Science (IDDD-DS) program offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IITM, aims to project the versatility of Data Science. The course allows students from different disciplines to harness the power of Data Science to supplement their core area of research. Robert Bosch Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence’s Data Science-related courses are handled by faculties from various departments. IDDD-DS students actively collaborate with RBCDSAI faculty on various research activities.